News 21 Mar 2025

Monster Energy expands Yamaha team involvement

Green claw to feature across Australian MX1, MX2 and MX3 programs.

Image: Foremost Media.

Yamaha Motor Australia’s three professional motocross teams will sport a fresh and unified look for the 2025 season and beyond, thanks to an expanded partnership with global energy drink giant Monster Energy.

The strengthened relationship will see all three official teams rebranded under the Monster Energy banner, aligning with Yamaha’s global motocross and supercross efforts in both Europe and the United States.

As a result, the teams will now be known as Monster Energy CDR Yamaha, Monster Energy Yamalube Yamaha, and Monster Energy WBR Yamaha, each still focusing on their respective MX1, MX2, MX3 and MXW campaigns.

“It is an exciting development for Yamaha Motor Australia to have Monster Energy onboard,” said Scott Bishop, Yamaha Motor Australian motorsport manager. “The three teams will have a striking and unique appearance at motocross and supercross events across the country.”

Monster Energy’s increased support follows their long-standing relationship with Craig Dack and his CDR Yamaha team, with Bishop noting that this connection played a key role in expanding the partnership across Yamaha’s other domestic motocross teams.

“Monster has had a successful multi-year relationship with Craig Dack and his team,” Bishop explained. “The natural progression was for it to filter through to our MX2 and MX3 teams, and this now brings Yamaha Australia in line with Yamaha Europe and Yamaha US, having Monster Energy across all its racing efforts.”

With Monster Energy backing all three teams, Yamaha’s motocross program is set to deliver a cohesive presence on the ProMX stage this year – and the Australian Supercross Championship later this year – with the gates dropping for round one this weekend at Wonthaggi.
