Features 23 Jul 2024

Debrief: 2024 ProMX Rd6 Toowoomba

Overall winners Beaton and Connolly recall sixth round in Queensland.

Keeping his MX1 title hopes alive with a pivotal moto two and overall win in Toowoomba, Jed Beaton managed to tame Kyle Webster and keep the gap in the championship at seven points after swapping moto wins with his title rival. In MX2, runaway series leader Brodie Connolly extended his advantage to 54 points with only two rounds remaining, thanks to a 2-1 scorecard. MotoOnline caught up with the winners after the motos for this Debrief interview.


Image: Foremost Media.

Back on the top step of the podium here in Toowoomba, congratulations Jed!

Yeah, thank you! It’s nice to get a win again, that first moto I felt like I could’ve had a win, but I rode really tight from like halfway through the race to the finish. This is one of those tracks where you have to flow and be hitting everything nicely to feel good, so I was a bit disappointed about that. But, we regrouped for moto two and I felt good, I felt like I wasn’t putting too much effort in on the bike, and I was making all the ruts link together really nicely. So, it was a good day.

Do you feel like coming into this round, it was a must-win scenario?

Yes and no. It’s only seven points, it seems like a lot, but if you have it at the start of the series, it’s nothing. We race motocross, a lot of things can happen, but I’m not too stressed. If we had two motos to go for the year, it would be different, but there are still four races left and anything can happen.

This crazy streak of AMX Pole Shootout wins, you haven’t lost one yet… are you good at being able to just turn it on for a lap and just going for it?

I’ve probably been one of the fastest in qualifying all year, I just need to be able to bring that to the races. If I can bring it like I did in that second moto today, I have the confidence that I’m probably one of the fastest on the track. The second moto doesn’t seem to have as much of an effect with the arm pump, so if I can get that first moto sorted and get the flow and start, I think we’ll be good. I don’t look at the results too much, I just want to ride the best I can ride, because going out in the practice and feeling good and doing all that, I want to ride every race like that, and obviously the second race today was a lot better. I think it’s just getting comfy going that pace, I’ve put in a lot of hard work to have that pace and be able to pull it out when I can, but when I ride with arm pump it’s a little bit difficult to just pull it out, cause I can’t just ride the way I normally can.

Was that the case in the first moto? Obviously, [Kyle] Webster got by you, then was it a case of saying, ‘Okay, I’m just going to settle for second’?

When he first passed me, I actually passed him back and we went back and forwards a little bit. I was trying to go, but when you can’t hang on it starts to get a little sketchy, so then those mistakes start to bring the arm pump on a little more again. You never like losing, but when you have to deal with the arms, like I’m still trying 100 percent. It’s not like I’m just content with second, I’m still going for the win, it just makes it difficult.

This thing is going to go down to the wire, four motos to go here in Queensland. We’re looking forward to watching it unfold. Congratulations on the win again!

Cheers mate.


Image: Foremost Media.

Brodie, congratulations on being back on the top step here again today. They were some interesting motos, especially that first one with Kaleb Barham. Take us through your day.

Yeah for sure, it’s good to be back on the top step after a couple of rounds not on the top. But yeah, the motos today were fun, good battles in both. Kaleb was better than me in that first moto, I had to just settle for second, but in that second moto, I really wanted to win that. I got off to a good start and had a battle with Reid Taylor for quite a few laps, he was riding well. Overall, I’m pretty happy with my day.

In that first moto, was it a case of just not being prepared to take yourself to that pace, and playing it safe on a technical track?

Nah, I felt like I had good speed, it was more just my race craft. I was still getting better at being behind people and letting the race come to me, I should’ve just settled for a few laps and then tried to make a pass, but it’s all learning. I reckon I learned more in that moto than I would being out in front.

That second moto as well, from the get-go it looked like you had to be aggressive to get track position. Did you find that was the case?

Yeah, that second moto I definitely heard Reid right behind me. We were putting in some solid laps there in the beginning, but my riding was quite messy, and I think I even stalled it. He ended up getting around me, then I passed him back and it took me a few laps to get back into my groove.

Two rounds to go, only four more motos. You have a solid points lead, do you start to think about playing it safe, or are we still thinking about moto wins?

I want to win. Today was one of those days where I sort of had to settle a little bit and think. I couldn’t really go as fast as I wanted to. I know I’ve got a good points lead, but I want to win races, so I’m not going to change my thinking at all, we’ll just carry on how we are.

Thanks mate, we’ll see you at Gympie in a few weeks!

