News 21 Jun 2024

Misfortune strikes Andrews again ahead of Murray Bridge

Elliott Bros GasGas Racing team rider back on the sidelines.

Image: Foremost Media.

Further injury misfortune has struck Elliott Bros GasGas MX2 entry Liam Andrews ahead of this weekend’s fifth round of the Penrite ProMX Championship, sustaining a series of injuries while training.

The 21-year-old finished seventh in last year’s national championship and switched to GasGas machinery, but missed the start of the 2024 season with consecutive hand injuries.

“Well 2024 has been a year I want to forget about,” Andrews stated. “Had a crash while training last Wednesday and messed myself up pretty badly – broke the Talus in my foot, dislocated my ankle, and did a lisfranc injury. I fractured my sternum, collapsed both lungs, punctured my right lung, and bruised my heart. Two surgeries down and one more to go next week.”

Andrews returned for Maitland’s three-moto weekend despite limited seat time in the lead-up, and was looking to build upon that base in the second half of the season. Now the Victorian will be back on the sidelines and on the road to recovery once more.
