Exemptions to the rule now available for track licensees.
Motorcycling Australia (MA) has announced an adjustment to the current tear-off ban that will now enable track licensees to apply for an exemption on the regulation.
Roll-offs have been enforced throughout the opening four months of the year since the tear-off ban came into effect at the beginning of 2017, however concerns raised have resulted in the rule being amended.
Just last week MotoOnline.com.au reported that a host of the country’s top MX Nationals racers were getting together to challenge the tear-off ban, with the decision now largely placed upon venues and clubs whether or not they will permit the more traditional vision-clearing method at future events.
It remains unclear what the criteria is to gain an exemption and it’s also not certain whether or not venues hosting the final five rounds of the MX Nationals will be applying for it during the second half of the series. Stay tuned for more to come.
The complete statement released by MA is as follows:
As of January 01 2017, the ban on the use of tear-offs in all Australian off-road competition has been in full effect. However, Motorcycling Australia (MA) wishes to announce that the rule has now been modified slightly at the discretion of track licensees to be aligned with their environmental plan.
The focus of the rule amendment relates specifically to motocross and supercross tracks (including off-road disciplines that utilise the same venues) to conditionally allow for the use of tear-offs at the discretion of the track licensee. It is important to note that the tear-off ban is still in place and will remain so, however this change will allow for circumstances where roll-offs are not a practical option.
By including the new condition to the track/venue environmental plan and event supplementary regulations, competitors (and the host club) will understand what is expected of them in regards to looking after the track and surrounding environment.
It is crucial for the longevity of off-road sport worldwide that environmental concerns regarding tear-offs are taken seriously and are continually addressed. By allowing an exemption to the rule, MA is holding those involved accountable for their use. It is at the discretion of the track licensee whether or not they apply for the exemption and whether they think it appropriate for the exemption to be kept in place.
Supercross events held on temporary tracks are automatically exempt due to the extensive clean-up already required post-event, with the tearing down the track, filtering soil and cleaning litter. Licensee’s should contact their relevant State Controlling Body (SCB) for further information on how to apply for the exemption.